Reading ComprehensionSkill Test
The reading comprehension test evaluates candidates’ ability to read a portion of text and comprehend its contents. This test helps you identify candidates who can process written information and draw appropriate conclusions using analytical thinking.
Covered Skills
  1. Identifying the main thought of a passage
  2. Making inferences based on a passage
Test CategoryLanguage
Total Time12:00
Test LevelIntermediate
DescriptionReading comprehension goes beyond understanding the words on a page. Effective reading comprehension entails identifying the main idea of a passage, understanding vocabulary in context, making valid inferences from the text, and discerning the author’s purpose. Candidates must use analytical thinking and analytical reasoning skills to device the correct answers. This reading comprehension test allows you to identify candidates who possess these abilities. To answer the questions in the test successfully, candidates must process what they read, understand the meaning of it, and make connections between the information given and the general context to come to meaningful conclusions. The test requires candidates to identify the right answers to the questions in a limited amount of time. Successful candidates can process text and comprehend meaning quickly when reading reports and other written communications from colleagues and collaborators. This is a great test to include to check candidates' analytical skills.
Relevant Job RolesAny role that involves reading, processing, evaluating, and recalling written information, such as editors, analysts, managers, and others. This test can be particularly useful for remote teams who communicate primarily in writing.
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